• 2525 Gambell Street, Suite 415 Anchorage, AK


Fairbanks is where we were founded!

AlasConnect was founded as AlasConnect in 1999 as a subsidiary of Golden Valley Electric Association.

We continune to provide services to businesses, non-profits and not-for-profit organizations in the Golden Heart city and across the Interior.

As the leading Technology Service Provider (TSP) in Fairbanks, we specialize in providing IT support, technology consulting, and a range of other services.

Not seeing what you need? It’d be impossible to create a cookie-cutter strategy for every business in Fairbanks. Schedule a call with us today to discuss your unique needs, no strings attached.

Industries we Serve

Professional Architects & Engineers in Anchorage, Alaska
Construction Contractors in Anchorage, Alaska
Healthcare IT in Anchorage, Alaska
Law Firms & Legal Practices in Anchorage, Alaska

Public Accountants, Financial and Audit Firms in Anchorage, Alaska

Small & Medium Business Services in Anchorage, Alaska

State & Local Government in Anchorage, Alaska

Power & Telecommunications Utilities in Anchorage, Alaska